메추리꼬리치레과 메추리꼬리치레과 영어로
- Cinclosomatidae
- 꼬리치레과: Old World babbler
- 땅꼬리치레과: Pellorneidae
- 꼬리치레: Beijing babbler
- 뜸부기꼬리치레: Rail-babbler
- 메추리알: Quail eggs
- 긴꼬리꼬마쥐: Long-tailed birch mouse
- 오스트레일리아꼬리치레류: Australo-Papuan babbler
- 너구리꼬리이끼목: Rhizogoniales
- 꼬리치과: Jellynose fish
- 꼬리치기 활공: fishtail
- 꼬리치다: wriggle; wiggle its tail
- 꼬리치목: Ateleopodiformes
- 치레: 치레 embellishment; adornment; beautifying; prettifying; decorating. 겉~로만 for mere form's sake. ~하다 embellish; adorn; decorate; deck[dress] up; smarten up; doll[pretty] up; beautify; pretty. 집을 ~하다 be
- 추리: 추리 the flank (of beef).추리 [推理] reasoning; ratiocination; (an) inference; (an) illation. 연역[귀납] ~ deductive[inductive] inference. 직접[간접] ~ immediate[mediate] inference. ~의 과정 a reasoning process. 너의
- 체리꼬: cherrim